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ANZ results

FULL COVERAGE: ANZ’s full-year 2021 result

2021-10-28 19:53

ANZ has posted a statutory profit after tax for its 2021 full-year result of $A6,162 million, up 72 per cent on the prior comparable period. According to CEO Shayne Elliott, all parts of the business made a positive contribution while also successfully navigating the continuing impacts of COVID-19 on customers and people.

The bank’s capital strength and underlying profitability enabled a final dividend of A72 cents per share, fully franked.

ANZ’s Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio was stronger at 12.3 per cent while return on equity increased to 9.9 per cent.

You can read and watch all the details below.

Elliott: solid performance as we reopen and grow

ANZ CEO Shayne Elliott says the bank’s diversification will set it up well for future opportunities and investment.

Andrew Cornell | Managing Editor, bluenotes

The whole result, in pictures

Find all the details of ANZ’s full-year result for 2021 in this easy-to-ready infographic.

Camila Salazar | Content Coordinator, ANZ

Faruqui: crunching the numbers

In his first formal appearance as CFO, Farhan Faruqui explains the numbers and outlines the bank’s financial focus for 2022.

Andrew Cornell | Managing Editor, bluenotes

The boss’ right-hand

ANZ’s CEO and CFO discuss how the head of finance role has changed over the past decade and what skills it will require in the future.

Farhan Faruqui | CFO, ANZ

An automated agenda

The focus for Institutional banking – and the path to success - is increasingly digital, automated and customer-oriented.

Sreeram Iyer | Chief Operating Officer – Institutional, ANZ

A different bank

ANZ’s multi-year technology transformation will further simplify the bank while paving the way for new, financial wellbeing-focused customer experiences.

Peter Dalton & Wayne Spiteri |Business Lead & Engineering Lead, ANZx

Financing the sustainable transition

ANZ’s experience in global trade, large project finance and a keen focus on sustainability sets it up well to support a lower carbon future.

Katharine Tapley & Christina Tonkin | Head of Sustainable Finance & MD Corporate Finance, ANZ

New Zealand’s green future

ANZ New Zealand has the opportunity to effect change by helping enable the transition to a less carbon intensive world.

Antonia Watson | Group Executive & CEO New Zealand, ANZ

Making good progress against ESG targets

Find all the details of how ANZ has tracked against its environmental, social and governance targets for 2021.

Anna Stewart | Head of ESG Disclosure & Reporting, ANZ

History and heritage

The 70-year anniversary of the merger of the Bank of Australasia and the Union Bank of Australia is a timely reminder of the evolving nature and lasting heritage of the bank.

Deborah Lasky-Davison | Manager Group Archives, ANZ

Releasing the result

Read through the announcement released to the Australian Stock Exchange for ANZ’s full-year result.

Stephen Ries | Head of Corporate Communications, ANZ

FULL COVERAGE: ANZ’s full-year 2021 result
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