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INFOGRAPHIC: see ANZ’s full-year result in pictures

Senior production editor & production editor, bluenotes

2017-10-26 07:18

Capital growth, improved earnings per share and reduction in absolute costs for the first time since 1999 headline a strong annual profit result for ANZ.

ANZ posted an 18 per cent rise in cash profit during the full year to $A6.9 billion, as the bank’s focused use of capital  delivers results.  

Below, we present the headline stats in an infographic.




Shane White is senior production editor, bluenotes

Jemma Wight is production editor, bluenotes

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

INFOGRAPHIC: see ANZ’s full-year result in pictures
Shane White & Jemma Wight
Senior production editor & production editor, bluenotes

