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blueprints: behind mahogany doors

bluenotes contributor

2017-09-01 14:25

The PwC Annual CEO survey provides profound insight into how the world’s CEOs reflect on issues about globalisation, technology and competition.

Now in its 20th year, the survey delivers an understanding of the views and opinions of CEOs across the globe – and a deep perspective on how those opinions have changed.

The survey draws on the views of the world’s most high-profile corporate leaders. 

Though anonymous, some of those who have agreed to be named include Bank of New Zealand CEO Anthony Healy (New Zealand), Delta Air Lines CEO Edward H. Bastian (USA), chairman and CEO Dr Charles Zhang (China) and Group Managing Director of HKT Alex Arena (Hong Kong).

Explore our interactive infographic to discover the thoughts and beliefs of what gets discussed behind the mahogany doors – or the soundproof glass as is more often the case today.


Thomas Hounslow is data editor at bluenotes

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

blueprints: behind mahogany doors
Thomas Hounslow
bluenotes contributor

