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Pitch Perfect: be your own point of difference

Innovation & Technology Editor, bluenotes

2017-05-05 12:27

Only 3 per cent of tech firms globally are founded by females. Which doesn’t just sound wrong but in fact delivers poorer economic outcomes.

" Women have proven to be leaders worth backing. When you back a woman [with venture funding] she will make you more money, which creates more jobs and strengthens our economy."
Marisa Warren, CEO and founder ELEVACAO

ELEVACAO Foundation is a global not for profit founded in New York with a mission to encourage more women to be bold and confident tech entrepreneurs in this male-dominated space.

In an interview with BlueNotes, Marisa Warren, CEO and founder of ELEVACAO, shared four pitch tips for successful entrepreneurs - particularly aimed at female entrepreneurs in the tech space.

“Our mission is to empower women entrepreneurs to build successful innovation technology businesses, whilst creating collaborative environments where a woman's ambition to succeed is embraced and actively supported by both women and men,” Warren said.

It’s not just about diversity either, a Bloomberg study found when a female-founded tech business was successfully funded there was a 35 per cent higher return on investments than male-led firms.

“Women have proven to be leaders worth backing.  When you back a woman [with funding] she will make you more money, which creates more jobs and strengthens our economy,” Warren said.

Warren’s four pitch tips at a glance:

  1. Be succinct. Know your key messages and be as succinct as possible;
  2. Focus on ROI: In your pitch focus less on the problem and more on your path to revenue and how much money you will make;
  3. Have a great story. Marisa Warren’s great story is about meeting Australia’s Siri in a lift in New York which kickstarted ELEVACAO; and
  4. Practice, practice, practice!

Watch the video above to find out more.

What’s next for ELEVACAO? 

"World domination plans of course!" Warren  said. "From day one we’ve had the vision to roll out our programs across the globe for women of all social economic backgrounds to be able to participate."

"Since our launch in New York City, we’ve helped over 65 women get pitch ready for investment funding across New York, Sydney and Melbourne. This should grow to 750 by 2020 in Australia alone."

To join the ELEVACAO’s Community you can go here.

Carina Parisella is a contributing editor at BlueNotes 

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

Pitch Perfect: be your own point of difference
Carina Parisella
Innovation & Technology Editor, bluenotes

