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Blockchain, transparency & trust

Author, Global-is-Asian

2017-03-09 20:09

Touted as a revolutionary technology, blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger which can be used across various industries to record transaction histories, thus building trust through accountability and transparency.

Running 24/7 and promising continuous updates in real time, blockchain stands apart as an innovative technology. Its ease of use has opened up new payment channels for customers, including cryptocurrencies, which can be managed transparently.

" Blockchain opens up the possibility of maintaining transactions … without the need for authentication from authorities."
Tristan Chan, Global-is-Asian

“The transaction costs that are connected to the need for trust in business affairs is what blockchain technology largely minimises,” Wolfgang Drechsler, Visiting Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore says.

It is widely accepted blockchain can revolutionise business, but it also offers many benefits for the government sector.

However, Professor Drechsler cautions with government, trust is more than a simple function.

“It is not without ambivalence. It very much depends on context regarding desirability.”

With its focus on simplicity and efficiency, blockchain can be used to facilitate international agreements.

Dias Lona, Head of Engineering at SERV Group, a cloud based service delivery platform in Singapore, is confident the technology will help governments make transactions more seamless.

“In Singapore, GovTech can use blockchain as an enabling or governing layer on top of open government data,” Lona said.

“Voting and inter-government auditing processes as well as globally enforced environmental contracts can be strengthened.”


According to a Wired report, blockchain can help governments reduce conflict and enhance transparency in major transactions. The precision with which it tracks digital information discourages fraudulent activity in financial services.

In 2015, a candidate for the mayor of London pledged to run the city’s finances using blockchain technology.

Blockchain can also increase the efficiency of functions requiring verification from government agencies, including real estate and retail transactions, government-licensed assets or intellectual property.

As Professor Drechsler pointed out, blockchain opens up the possibility of maintaining transactions through smart contracts without the need for authentication from authorities.

 State legislature in Vermont in the US, for example, is considering blockchain-based smart contracts for state business. The Observer argued more innovation and newer ideas are needed in order for governments to fully engage with the technology.

This includes creating progressive and ambitious solutions that reduce costs and provide faster services to citizens.

However, before governments look at innovation, they must first prove blockchain’s utility to the masses, such as providing protection for digital wallet software and recognising digital currency in everyday business.


While the overriding focus of blockchain currently revolves around its business applications, it has social implications as well.

According to Knowledge@Wharton, blockchain can create new identities for individuals. However, this does not apply to people who are sanctioned by governments or restricted by geographic boundaries.

“It’s much more than about transaction efficiency or flexibility,” Saikat Chaudhuri, Executive Director at the Mack Institute for Innovation Management says.

“It’s really beyond that. It could provide an identity to those who don’t have one, or promote financial inclusion. Therein lies the power of this whole thing.”

Government pushing for public participation through the use of open data sets is nothing new, but blockchain technology could provide the next step in this empowerment cycle through the ability to make decisions based on data.

“Any action, let it be highway repair or allocation of land for a certain activity, can be carried out with greater accountability and transparency,” Lona says.

 “Citizens will also have the opportunity to participate in decision-making on smaller tasks that have more of a local impact.”

Xavier Lepretre, Senior Blockchain Software Consultant at B9lab, says blockchain has immense potential to bridge the gap between governments and citizens.

“If the government delegates some of its decisions to smart contracts, citizens can gain a better understanding of its logic, inputs or people in charge, and point out errors or suggest improvements,” he says.


We have seen some remarkable blockchain initiatives recently, ranging from anti-corruption initiatives in Ghana and regulation of bitcoin exchanges in Tokyo and New York to fraud prevention for banks in Singapore and Sweden, and services for e-residents in Estonia.

According to Professor Drechsler, cost-effectiveness is the key advantage of these applications, in terms of reducing transaction costs and human intermediation. Such applications also strengthen data integrity and defence against corruption attacks.

To further elevate these trust levels, new conversations and points of engagement must be generated.

Blockchain can certainly be the technology that kickstarts this conversation and makes government and regulators think about it,” Markus Gnirck, Global COO of Startupbootcamp FinTech in Singapore says.

“For banks, this is an exciting time where the mindsets of institutions are changing and [this] finally allows [them] to think in new dimensions.”

By reducing time and money and adding convenience, blockchain will impact the overall economy as technology further embeds itself into our everyday lives.

In an economy where the rules are rewritten and discarded daily, governments will stand to benefit by working closely with businesses to provide reliable, speedy citizen services, enhancing data security and encouraging global innovations.

With its fast-growing reach and a foundation of sophisticated coding and borderless collaboration, blockchain could become a vibrant digital pillar aimed at sustaining user convenience and transparency.

Tristan Chan, Global-is-Asian

This story originally appeared in Global-is-Asian, a digital publication of the National University of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, focused on contemporary policy issues in Asia. Articles originate from faculty members of the LKY School, regional policymakers and political leaders from various parts of the world. Republished with permission from the National University of Singapore.


The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

Blockchain, transparency & trust
Tristan Chan
Author, Global-is-Asian
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