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Business Finance


Walkley Award-winning cartoonist

2016-07-15 18:06


BlueNotes is about insight and insight comes from many perspectives including thought-provoking opinion, data journalism, informed analysis and humour – often an incisive exposure to reality.

Rod Clement, award-winning illustrator and author has been providing his unique insights on business for three decades in some of Australia’s leading business publications. We are delighted to feature his Underbelly cartoon as an exclusive to BlueNotes.  We hope you enjoy his insights - and please feel free to share.

Rod Clement is a well-known author, illustrator and cartoonist. He joins BlueNotes after an illustrious career at The Australian Financial Review

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

Rod Clement
Walkley Award-winning cartoonist

