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ANIMATION: The Australian Commonwealth Budget, explained

Senior Economist, ANZ

2016-05-04 18:29

Economic forecasts in the 2016-17 Australian Commonwealth Budget reflect the new normal for the Australian economy. 

The budget deficit has deteriorated slightly and as a result, net debt levels will likely rise over the next four years. This was to be expected.

"The economic forecasts in the budget reflect the new normal."
Felicity Emmett, Head of Australian Economics, ANZ

The economic forecasts in the budget flag growth at 2.5 per cent over the coming year.

Among specifically announced policies, Australia’s largest employer the small business sector gets a boost while the superannuation system has been altered with fairness in mind.

Watch the video above to find out the details.

Felicity Emmett is Head of Australian Economics at ANZ

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

ANIMATION: The Australian Commonwealth Budget, explained
Felicity Emmett
Senior Economist, ANZ