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Three industries facing a TPP shakeup

Associate Director Loans & Specialised Finance ANZ

2015-11-18 14:48

Putting aside all the uncertainties, the newly minted Trans-Pacific Partnership's impact on global supply chains will be more incremental than dramatic. But there will be a global supply chain reorganisation and some sectors will feel it more than others.

There are winners and losers from the TPP. Multinationals have some advantages over single country firms in that they have the potential to internally reorganise. But either way, a new set of trade rules has the potential to distort established efficient supply models.

"A new set of trade rules has the potential to distort established efficient supply models."
Roland Randall, Insights & Research Manager at ANZ

The principles of the TPP are simple: 'free trade today'. But for all sorts of mostly political reasons there are most likely thousands of exceptions to the basic principles (1,500 pages of them). Below are three sectors we think will see some changes.


This is an edited version of the ANZ on-demand webinar Trans-Pacific Partnership - Signed, Sealed but not Delivered? (you must register before viewing). 

Roland Randall is an Insights & Research Manager at ANZ

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

Three industries facing a TPP shakeup
Roland Randall
Associate Director Loans & Specialised Finance ANZ

