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Asia Pacific

Making the leap to Asia

Independent video producer

2015-06-29 16:20

Making the leap to Asia is a dream for many small-to-medium Australian businesses. The opportunity on offer in the growing region is huge and companies like One Life. Live It are meeting the challenge.

"The driving factor for the expansion of this business has simply been the demand."
Simone Ryan, Founder and CEO of One Life. Live It

OLLI is a small corporate healthcare provider targeted at companies on the ASX 200 which provides services aimed at the health and wellbeing of staff.

Founder and CEO Simone Ryan has grown the company's presence though Australia, NZ and now Asia with a presence in Hong Kong.

“The driving factor for the expansion of this business has simply been the demand," she says.

“The reason we have chosen Asia is really on behalf of our clients. Most of these large multinational companies we've had involvement with in Australia also have a presence in Asia."

In the video above Ryan shares her story, including the bumps in the road she hit along the way.

Andrea Clarke is an independent video producer.

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

Making the leap to Asia
Andrea Clarke
Independent video producer

