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Asia Pacific

FTAs bring benefits at every stage of the value chain

BlueNotes contributing editor

2014-12-05 20:43

Australia’s trading relationship with China extends far beyond the export of finished goods. Hidden in many of the products exchanged are parts, processes and people that transact across borders throughout long value-adding chains.

For A.H. Beard, manufacturers of luxury beds, the process of manufacturing a bed and eventually selling to a consumer in China involves eight steps and three cross-border flows. It's easy then to see the opportunities that improved trading relationships, such as free-trade agreements, can bring for both Australian and Chinese businesses and consumers alike.


Infographic: Hot Butter Studio.

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

FTAs bring benefits at every stage of the value chain
Nicole Franklin
BlueNotes contributing editor

