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More capital costly without significantly improving Aus financial system

Past Managing Editor, bluenotes

2014-08-31 20:00

The Australian financial system is dramatically more resilient than before the financial crisis - and even since global regulatory reviews two years ago - according to ANZ’s response to the Interim Report of the Financial System Inquiry.

ANZ’s analysis shows the Australian banks now sit right at the top of global core capital standards. The bank argues additional capital measures will not meaningfully improve resilience but come at a high cost to the real economy by restricting the banks’ ability to finance growth.

Chief executive Mike Smith and deputy CEO Graham Hodges talk through ANZ’s submission and the arguments against ever higher capital levels in these interviews with BlueNotes managing editor Andrew Cornell.

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“The recent strengthening of the system, much of which is already in place, will protect bank viability against an extreme stress event (modelled 1:5,000 probability),” the ANZ submission says.

That regulatory strengthening already implemented or planned will protect a capital level of 5.125 per cent against that extreme, one in 5000 year event. ANZ argues the introduction of “bail in” provisions, forcing bond holders to carry the risk in terms of a bank failure, is a more economically rational approach although it still comes at a cost.

“Efficient, low cost measures can be taken to improve system resilience including robust stress testing and more pre-planning for stress events,” ANZ says.

ANZ does not believe there should be any weakening of current risk measures but recognises smaller banks may struggle to resource the internal models necessary to obtain capital relief. The bank believes there may be a role for regulators to help some banks achieve this more advanced status under Basel requirements without weakening system security.

The views and opinions expressed in this communication are those of the author and may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ.

More capital costly without significantly improving Aus financial system
Andrew Cornell
Past Managing Editor, bluenotes