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Social Media Community Guidelines

ANZ (or “We”, “Us”) uses social media to connect with its customers, employees and the wider community and it’s important that we provide the opportunity for everyone to participate in open, constructive, and safe discussions. 

By using our social media page, you agree to the applicable terms and conditions of use of the applicable social media platform and as set out below. 

Respectful use

When using ANZ’s social media pages, information and views posted are public and you should exercise caution in what you post. 

When posting, please be respectful of others at all times, keep discussions on-topic and use appropriate language. 

ANZ reserves the right to remove posts, including (but not limited to) posts which: 

  • are defamatory, offensive, threatening or abusive;
  • are false, misleading or deceptive;
  • are illegal;
  • contain financial advice or promote any third party products or services;
  • contain links or attached viruses or other potentially harmful malware;
  • contain personal information, such as names, addresses and bank account details.

Important Note

Please note any views and opinions expressed on our social media pages may not necessarily state or reflect those of ANZ and are not necessarily endorsed by ANZ. 

Any information provided by ANZ on its social media pages is general information only and should not be regarded as financial advice and/or any inducement to procure any ANZ or any third-party products or services.

Staying safe online

ANZ will never ask for your personal information over a social media platform. 

Never give out information such as your bank account details, birthday, home address, driver’s license or passport numbers, or tax file number over these platforms. 

If you have any doubt, please contact ANZ customer support.

ANZ promotes a safe environment for all our customers and community, and by playing by the rules, you can help ensure that everyone is safe in doing so.

This information seeks to raise awareness and provides general information only. It may be necessary or appropriate to ensure that measures are taken in addition to, or in substitution for, the measures presented having regard to your particular personal or business circumstances.
