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Sustainable procurement

At ANZ, we have a fair, sustainable, responsible and ethical approach to procuring and receiving goods and services. Our suppliers are important partners in helping us to achieve this.

Working with ANZ

Partnering with us

ANZ’s purpose is to shape a world where people and communities thrive.  It shapes our choices about who we have relationships with, how we behave and what we care about.  Our suppliers are important partners in helping us achieve our goals and enabling our strategy.  Through our supplier relationships, we gain access to differentiated products, services, resources and innovation.

Supporting businesses

We understand that as a large organisation with an extensive supply chain, our procurement choices have actual or potential social and environmental impacts.  Our approach includes:

  • Utilising diverse suppliers (eg First Nations suppliers) in our supply chain, either directly or indirectly
  • Encouraging our suppliers to work with us to identify and implement appropriate opportunities across our supply chain to engage diverse businesses
  • Adhering to timely invoice payments
  • Understanding and working to mitigate the environmental and social impacts that supply chain decisions can have

Supplier diversity

One way that we can make a difference to the communities in which we operate is to strive to create a balanced, sustainable economy in which everyone can take part.  ANZ seeks to engage suppliers from diverse business groups, including:

  • First Nations-owned businesses
  • Social enterprises
  • Women-owned businesses
  • Disability enterprises

As part of our approach, we are corporate members of the following:

  • Supply Nation
  • Kinaway
  • Social Traders (Australia)
  • The Ä€kina Foundation (New Zealand)
  • WeConnect International

We are honoured to have been recognised for our work to increase supplier diversity within our supply chain:

  • Kinaway - Corporate Member of the Year
  • WeConnect International - Bronze Top Global SD&I Champion

Supplier commitments

Supplier Code of Practice

Our approach to sustainable procurement is guided by our: 

  • Supplier Code of Practice (SCOP), which outlines our minimum expectations for suppliers in relation to human rights, workplace relations, workplace health and safety, ethical business practices, information management and confidentiality, accessibility, environmental management and supplier diversity.  Compliance with our SCOP is supported contractually and through risk-based screening undertaken by an independent third party.
  • Our Procurement Policy, which defines the principles and behaviours of everyone involved in procurement, to ensure fair, safe and reasonable conduct.

Our SCOP aligns with our Code of Conduct, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) focus areas and our approach to human rights.  It aligns with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United Nations Global Compact.

Our SCOP applies to all suppliers across our operations and reflects our commitment to working with our supply chain to understand and minimise the social and environmental impacts of our mutual business operations.

Our SCOP requires that all suppliers not engage in trade activities or include in the supply chain any goods or services sourced from sanctioned persons, countries or organisations in accordance with current United Nations Security Council sanctions, US sanctions and any local or regional sanctions as mandated by governments in the relevant jurisdictions or engage in unethical business practices.

The Supplier Code of Practice is available for download in:

A male ANZ branch employees talks to a woman with dark hair. They are sitting at a desk surrounded by plants

Important information for Suppliers

At ANZ, our procurement process is designed to ensure efficiency and integrity.

Once we identify the goods or services required to support our operations and achieve our goals, we seek out suppliers who can meet those requirements.  This may occur via direct negotiation or using existing supplier panels.  Alternatively, we may invite qualified suppliers, to participate in an RFx process, such as a Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Information (RFI) or a Request for Quotation (RFQ).

We objectively review all proposals or quotations received and select a supplier.  As part of finalising the terms of the agreement, all suppliers are required to adhere to our Supplier Code of Practice (SCOP).   

Throughout the process, we engage with suppliers digitally via the SAP Business Network.  Suppliers who are not registered on the network will be invited to do so.  For any country-specific variations, please refer to the relevant documentation in our purchasing, invoicing and payments sections below.

Third Party Risk Management Hub

As part of our ongoing commitment to improve the way we engage with you, we are introducing a new Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) portal, called TPRMHub.

This is an integrated and comprehensive approach to the way we gather information to identify and assess risk, providing a significantly enhanced and streamlined experience for improved Third Party Risk Management.

This means you will now have a centralised way to share risk information with ANZ through the TPRMHub.

Additionally, this combines multiple tools, questionnaires, and platforms, making it much easier for you to provide accurate information to ANZ in one simple and consolidated system.

As part of this update, if you have received a request from ANZ to complete a Due Diligence questionnaire, please refer to this guidance document to complete registration steps and access support available.

View relevant ANZ policies and standards in our Corporate Governance Shareholder Centre

Ethical supply chain

Modern Slavery

We realise there is a risk we may contribute to potential modern slavery risks through our operations and supply chain.  We are committed to improving our approach to identify, assess and manage these risks and report our progress through our annual Modern Slavery Statement.

You can find our historical Modern Slavery Statements on our ESG reporting page.

ANZ's 2024 Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Supplement

This report provides stakeholders with information on ANZ's focus on bringing our purpose to life through elevating areas facing significant societal challenges aligned with our strategy and reach. It includes performance against our ESG targets and our management of material ESG issues. Released 8 November 2024.

2024 ESG Supplement (PDF 18.5MB)
