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Our approach to human rights

ANZ respects the human rights of our employees, customers and the people in our communities.


Our approach

We expect the same respect for human rights from those who work for, or with, us including our employees, contingent workers and directors, and those with whom we have business relationships, as appropriate. Our Human Rights Statement (Statement) outlines our approach to respecting human rights and is informed by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).

Human rights due diligence

We use risk-based due diligence in seeking to identify risks and impacts associated with our business relationships. You can read more in our Human Rights Statement or our approach to responsible business lending.

Stakeholder engagement

We seek to support an open civic space by engaging in dialogue with a cross-section of civil society, allowing diverse views to be shared. Learn more about the way we engage our stakeholders

Reporting and tracking

We report publicly on our approach to human rights, including in our Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Supplement, Modern Slavery Statement, Grievance Mechanism and Equator Principles reporting

Human Rights Grievance Mechanism

We support the UNGPs, including through access to our Human Rights Grievance Mechanism (Mechanism). This Mechanism considers grievances submitted by people and communities who believe their human rights have been impacted by an ANZ large business lending customer.


In establishing this Mechanism, ANZ aims to provide a framework within which:

  • people in any country who consider their human rights have been impacted by an ANZ large business lending customer (affected people) can raise their concerns with ANZ;

  • efforts can be made to resolve grievances about alleged adverse human rights impacts associated with large business lending customers, including through dialogue; and

  • feedback and recommendations can be provided to ANZ in relation to its policies and processes.

Read more in the Mechanism’s Framework: ANZ Grievance Mechanism Framework Nov 2021 (PDF 356kB)

People or communities who believe their human rights have been impacted by an ANZ large business lending customer, please complete the questions in our submission form and add any other information you think is important.

ANZ HRGM grievance submission Nov 2021 (Doc 63kB)


Post: ANZ Head of ESG Governance
Level 9, 833 Collins Street, Docklands, Victoria 3008

If you do not have a human rights grievance about the activities of an ANZ large business lending customer, and you wish to make a complaint about ANZ, the ANZ Complaint Guide provides information on how to make a complaint.

Week 1: Receive written acknowledgment and a phone call where practical from your ANZ Grievance Manager who will outline the process.

Month 1: Receive notification about whether the grievance has been accepted.

Month 2: Explain your complaint and preferred outcome to ANZ and Customer representatives.

Monthly: Receive updates on the progress of your grievance.

Month 9: ANZ will try to resolve your grievance within 9 months.


Date received/closed

Current status



April 2023 - May 2024

Closed - conditions for acceptance not met




Modern slavery

ANZ considers that our policies and tools help to identify, assess and manage modern slavery risk and support our ability to seek to influence changes in practice and behaviours at a stakeholder level.

You can find our historical Modern Slavery Statements on our ESG reporting page.


ANZ's 2024 Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Supplement

This report provides stakeholders with information on ANZ's focus on bringing our purpose to life through elevating areas facing significant societal challenges aligned with our strategy and reach. It includes performance against our ESG targets and our management of material ESG issues. Released 8 November 2024.

2024 ESG Supplement (PDF 18.5MB)


2024 ESG Supplement

This report provides stakeholders with information on ANZ's focus on bringing our purpose to life through elevating areas facing significant societal challenges aligned with our strategy and reach. It includes performance against our ESG targets and our management of material ESG issues. Released 8 November 2024.

PDF 18.5MB

Social and Environmental Sustainability Target Methodology 

ANZ's Social and Environmental Sustainability Target Methodology. Updated 8 November 2024.


2024 Operational Emissions Assurance Report

The 2024 Annual GHG Emissions and Carbon Offset Data Assurance Statement details our global carbon offset data, prepared by KPMG. Released 8 November 2024.

PDF 284kB
