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Our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) approach

Our purpose at ANZ is to shape a world where people and communities thrive. We're focused on integrating our purpose and ESG approach into our business strategy. This has created opportunities for us to better serve our customers and generate long-term shareholder value.

Our ESG approach is focused on three key areas - financial wellbeing, environmental sustainability and housing - where we're responding to complex societal issues central to our customers and business strategy. 

Focus areas

Financial wellbeing

Improving the financial wellbeing of our customers, employees and the community at large by helping them make the most of their money throughout their lives.

More about financial wellbeing

Environmental sustainability

Supporting household, business and financial practices that improve environmental sustainability.

More about environmental sustainability


Improving the availability of suitable and affordable housing options for all Australians and New Zealanders.

More about housing

ESG targets

We continue to work on and progress our public ESG targets that reflect some of our most material ESG issues. Our ESG targets also support the delivery of our business practices, and our purpose, to shape a world where people and communities thrive.

Progress against our ESG targets is reviewed by the Ethics and Responsible Business Committee quarterly and twice a year by the Board Ethics, Environment, Social and Governance Committee. An annual review of these targets is conducted to ensure they remain relevant.

ESG performance snapshot

Target to fund and facilitate at least           $100 billion

by end 2030 in social and environmental activities through customer transactions and direct investments by ANZ.

Social and Environmental Sustainability Target

Piloting our Saver Plus program

for people on lower incomes in Fiji and Vanuatu with the aim of at least 80% of participants having demonstrated a savings habit upon completion.

ANZ Saver Plus program

Target to fund and facilitate at least $10 billion

of investment to deliver homes to buy and rent that are more affordable, accessible or sustainable by end 2030.

Affordable housing

Further information

ESG policies and practices

Integrating ESG and purpose into our strategy has created an opportunity for us to better serve our customers and generate long-term shareholder value. Our ESG policies and practices support us in achieving our strategy and focus on responding to our most material ESG issues.

ESG policies and practices

Human rights

ANZ respects human rights, including the rights of our employees, our customers and the people in our communities. We expect the same respect for human rights from everyone who works for or with us.

Human rights

Climate and Environment strategy

Our objective is to be a trusted partner for our customers, supporting them to adapt and become more resilient, to a changing environment and economy. In particular, we aim to be a leading bank in supporting an effective and orderly transition for our large business customers.

Environmental sustainability


Each year we conduct a materiality assessment where we engage with internal and external stakeholders to identify and assess our most material ESG issues. The results help inform our business practices – including Group Performance Framework – ESG targets and the coverage given to key topics in our external reporting.

Our approach in 2024 included using a double materiality analysis, asking stakeholders to consider in what areas ANZ has the most impact (positive and negative) on the economy, environment and people (including their human rights), as well as the impact these issues may have on the bank’s ability to create value through its financial or operating performance.    

ESG reporting

ANZ's 2024 Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Supplement

This report provides stakeholders with information on ANZ's focus on bringing our purpose to life through elevating areas facing significant societal challenges aligned with our strategy and reach. It includes performance against our ESG targets and our management of material ESG issues. Released 8 November 2024.

2024 ESG Supplement (PDF 18.5MB)


2024 ESG Supplement

This report provides stakeholders with information on ANZ's focus on bringing our purpose to life through elevating areas facing significant societal challenges aligned with our strategy and reach. It includes performance against our ESG targets and our management of material ESG issues. Released 8 November 2024.

PDF 18.5MB

2024 ANZ ESG Data and Frameworks Pack

Our 2024 ESG Data and Frameworks Pack includes ESG performance data (and  comparatives) and how we have reported against international ESG reporting standards and frameworks. Released 8 November 2024.


2024 Climate-related Financial Disclosures

Our 2024 Climate-related Financial Disclosures outline progress towards implementing our Climate Change Commitment and how we have been supporting our customers to date. This lays the foundation for us to deliver on our five-year Climate and Environment Strategy, approved in October 2024, to support an effective and orderly transition in coming years. Released 8 November 2024.

